Merdeka? Go fly kite la.

I count down to Merdeka with friends as a celebration of the success of Seksualiti Merdeka, a multi art fest at annexe to discuss, touch, hold hands, sing,kiss, paint, make love, think, move, act or just ponder what it means to be merdeka about our sexuality.

I discovered 10 myths about Merdeka on PopIn, written by Fahmi Reza, quite funny, do check it  out at

i spent the evening flying kite in dataran merdeka, dressed in black. flying kite is definitely a more patriotic (and not to mention good exercise) way to celebrate our psedo-independence than shopping (whatever the cause) or cutting off animal’s head.

On that note, i agree with the statement below:

Civil Society Joint Merdeka Message

The Cow-Head Lesson for Merdeka: Deligitimize Violence and Hatred

We, the undersigned civil society organizations are shocked, angered
and saddened by the “Cow-Head protest” in Shah Alam last Friday, 28
August 09, against a proposed Hindu temple in Section 23 of the city.
The carrying of the head of a freshly slaughtered cow, a sacred animal to
the Hindus, and the unveiled threat of blood shed on the eve of
Merdeka celebration suggest that all Malaysians need to reflect deeply
about our 52 years of nationhood, and the clarion call of 1Malaysia

From the outset, these heinous acts of crime perpetrated by the irresponsible
few must NEVER be seen as a conflict between the two faiths or the
two faith communities. All major spiritual traditions, Islam and
Hinduism included, uphold peace and human dignity as their common and
core values. Our spirituality and love for humanity mandates us for
the perpetual quest for peace and abhorrence of all forms of hatred
and civil disorder.

The Shah Alam incident sadly reveals that violence and hatred are
still inadequately delegitimized in our society. We exhort all
Malaysians to unite in our joint efforts to decry and delegitimize
violence and hatred to prevent any individual or grouping from
resorting to intimidation or provocation when faced with any
town-planning disputes or rows of similar nature.

We the undersigned, taking cognizance of the above, do hereby :

1. URGE that all disputes in civil society must be resolved through
peaceful means such as peaceful demonstrations, rational dialogues,
extensive consultations and legal suits. The Selangor State
Government’s plan to hold a town hall meeting to facilitate
communication and engagement with all stakeholders is highly

2. CONDEMN in the strongest possible language any act to humiliate and
intimidate any ethno-religious community, in this case the irreligious
and irresponsible display of a cow head. In the Shah Alam incident,
not only the Hindus are humiliated and hurt but also all thinking
Malaysians – Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Sikh, those of other
spiritual traditions and atheist. We particularly share the pain and
anguish of the Shah Alam Hindu community.

3. URGE all religious authorities, community leaders and political
parties to unreservedly condemn the perpetrators of the reprehensible
“Cow-Head” act. Every racial and religious bigot should be shamed
and distanced by the general public especially by their
ethno-religious community which they seek to represent. Political
parties must also take disciplinary action against members involved in
inciting hatred. This would deprive them the pleasure and
gratification of self-righteousness and
heroism. Legal punishment alone may prove inadequate because it may
instead grant the offenders the self-perceived honour of martyrdom

4. SUPPORT a thorough investigation of those responsible for the
“Cow-Head” protest for threatening violence (not sedition) on both the
local Hindu community and the elected State Government of Selangor.
Threats of violence, for whatever reason, has no place in a civilized
society. Violence must be condemned and can only be completely
delegitimized when society has zero tolerance for it and every
offender is appropriately punished.

5. EXPRESS shock and dismay at the failure of the police force to
stop the protestors from issuing their threats of bloodshed. An
independent investigation on professional negligence should be
immediately initiated to examine these policing failures of a
potentially fulminating racial and religious crisis. This incident
among others further highlights the dire importance and urgent need
for an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission
(IPCMC). The IPCMC is a must if the Najib Administration is genuinely
committed to peace in Malaysia.

6. CALL on all Malaysians to heed our plea to completely delegitimize
violence and hatred and to strive towards its elimination from our
public life. Let this be our joint resolution for our nation’s
forthcoming Merdeka anniversary. Let us usher in a Malaysia which
cherishes the values of peace, reason, justice, freedom, equity and
inclusion for all Malaysians.

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